The Wasch Center for Retired Faculty is pleased to invite you to the first in our Wednesday afternoon lecture series: on Wednesday, February 28 at 4:30, Amrita Sanyal will speak about the work she has done on the under-representation of women in STEM fields. A recent recipient of the Ph.D. from Purdue, Amrita is Visiting Assistant Professor in Wesleyan’s Economics Department. In graduate school she studied the ways in which the 2009 “Race to the Top” program and the adoption of common K-12 programs affected U.S. students’ high-school and post-secondary performance and their eventual career choices. As an economist, she seeks to understand and address the gender gap in STEM fields and the resulting disparities in earning power.
All are welcome to attend, and refreshments will be served. The Wasch Center is located at 51 Lawn Avenue.