The queer liberation movement has for decades celebrated pride, deliberately denouncing the shame and secrecy that were characteristic of LGBTQ+ life into the late 20th century. I echo this sentiment when I say that I am very proud to introduce this special issue celebrating trailblazing LGBTQ+ chemists. As a gay man working in chemistry, I am proud to be a member of this community of scholars, educators, and researchers, and I am delighted to have guest edited this issue highlighting our contributions to the field.

This collection gives voice to LGBTQ+ members of the chemistry community and celebrates their contributions. Our hope is to provide visibility to a population that has been marginalized for far too long and whose basic human dignity is only beginning to enjoy legal protection in some countries.
You may not know who we are, but we work beside you. We are your students, your collaborators, and your colleagues. The insights in our papers and seminars inform your own research daily. Science must create a place for queer people. The inclusion of all our voices in research and education benefits us all. [Read at Chemical and Engineering News]