Holding Hope workshop series: October 5 & 26

Holding Hope: How can we navigate uncertain times and cultivate resilient communities?

We ask all attendees to RSVP so that we can accommodate all needs.

Workshops Day 1: How can we stay centered and resilient as individuals

Saturday, October 5, 2024

10 AM – 4 PM

Free Center, 725 Main Street, Middletown, CT

Workshop sessions on dialectical thinking, practices to center yourself, connecting with nature, crafting, journaling and more

Workshops Day 2: How can we stay centered, resilient, and connected as a community? 

Saturday, October, 26, 2024

10 AM – 4 PM

Usdan University Center, Wesleyan University, 45 Wyllys Avenue, Middletown, CT

Workshop sessions on story circles, effective climate activism, hearing from the frontlines of community-engaged work, and more

What is Holding Hope?

Social, environmental, economic, and political crises have created human societies in crisis. This can lead us to feel grief, despair, and loss, which in turn can make us feel stuck and unable to create change. What keeps us resilient in these uncertain times? So many people have had no choice but to be resilient, some people don’t know if they are resilient, and some people do not know what resilient really means. 

In the words of Vanessa Machado de Oliveira Andreotti, “instead of drowning in hopelessness, how can we learn to face our reality with humility and accountability?” How can we learn to feel our emotions in a healthy way? What skills do we need to feel empowered to take action? How can we collaborate to make change in our community? 

To address these questions, we are planning a 2-day workshop series open to all in the Middletown area. Participants of all ages will be invited to share, listen, and discover how our community – young and seasoned alike – have stayed centered and hopeful. What’s in your toolkit for staying present and positive in these uncertain times? 

Together, we will explore, break bread, discuss, and learn from each other’s valuable gifts of resiliency. Each participant will take home tools and resources to build a “toolkit” to support their efforts. Comfortable shoes and clothes are encouraged for moving for those who are able. All are welcome to attend one or both days and for all or part of each day. 

How can I participate?

We ask all attendees to RSVP so that we can accommodate all needs.

We are actively soliciting interactive workshop proposals from across the Middletown community for the upcoming Holding Hope workshop series on October 26. We are seeking workshop organizers of all ages and backgrounds who have skills or tools to promote individual and collective resilience and connection. If you have a workshop idea, please fill out the workshop proposal form. Workshop leaders will receive $250 per workshop. 

Please direct questions to Jen Kleindienst at jkleindienst@wesleyan.edu.

This series is cosponsored by The Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life, Wesleyan Sustainability Office, Center for the Arts, ARTFARM, and Free Center.