New student group focuses on getting students into research on campus

“What does research mean to you?” To the co-founders of Wesleyan’s newest student organization, WesSir, research is aplatform for cultivating a community. Founded this summer by Shekinah Mba (’26), Ethan Chu (’26), Diana Tran (’26), LaurenEldarazi (’26), and Abigail Oduro (’27), WesSir hopes to increase students’ comfort withfinding research opportunities and contacting faculty members. In … Read more

Spread the word to help Black STEM scholars!

According to the 2024 Black Students and STEM Report “Black students have a high aptitude for STEM-related careers but lack interest, likely in part due to a lack of Black individuals currently represented in these careers.” This is heartbreaking, especially as Black representation in STEM continues to decline. Not only does this lack of diversity stifle innovation … Read more

Women in Science: Inspiring the Next Generation

Women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM) continue to make vital discoveries across the globe every day, despite facing inequalities. Each year, February 11 marks the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, and here at Technology Networks, we want to champion women studying and working in STEMM.  This eBook contains a selection … Read more

Advice from Seniors to First Years

I feel like my main advice would just be to be a person and talk to your professors, because they’re also people, and they have also been through the struggles of being a student. Going to your professors and talking to them, and just being honest from a place of I’m struggling with this, or … Read more

OUP Recognizes and Celebrates Women in Science

Oxford University Press is proud to support diverse voices across our publishing. In this collection, we shine a spotlight on the representation of women in scientific fields, the gains that have been made in their fields, from research and major discoveries to advocacy and outreach, and amplify the voices of women who have made a … Read more

Job Application

CIS and NSM Course Assistant Application In conjunction with the NSM coalition, the Gordon Career Center, and the office of Equity & Inclusion, the College of Integrative Sciences (CIS) developed an application form to use when hiring Course Assistants. Our students remind faculty that the best academic student in the class is not always the … Read more